Numerical Methods & Applications
Numerical Methods & Applications
R. Spigler
The PDD Method for Solving Linear, Nonlinear, and Fractional PDEs Problems
A fully scalable algorithm suited for petascale computing and beyond
Efficient parallel solution of nonlinear parabolic partial differential equations by a probabilistic domain decomposition
On the performance of a new parallel algorithm for large-scale simulations of nonlinear partial differential equations
Domain decomposition solution of nonlinear two-dimensional parabolic problems by random trees
Scalability and performance analysis of a probabilistic domain decomposition method
A fully scalable parallel algorithm for solving elliptic partial differential equations
A new domain decomposition approach suited for grid computing
A New Probabilistic Approach to the Domain Decomposition Method
Supercomputing applications to the numerical modeling of industrial and applied mathematics problems
Domain decomposition solution of elliptic boundary-value problems via Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo methods
Second harmonics effects in random duffing oscillators
Fast simulations of stochastic dynamical systems
Probabilistically induced domain decomposition methods for elliptic boundary-value problems
The fractional Fourier transform in the analysis and synthesis of fiber Bragg gratings
The Kuramoto model: A simple paradigm for synchronization phenomena
Bifurcations and global stability of synchronized stationary states in the Kuramoto model for oscillator populations
Bifurcations and global stability of synchronized stationary states in the Kuramoto model for oscillator populations
Spectral analysis and computation for the Kuramoto-Sakaguchi integroparabolic equation
Synchronization in populations of globally coupled oscillators with inertial effects
Uncertainty in phase-frequency synchronization of large populations of globally coupled nonlinear oscillators
Adaptive frequency model for phase-frequency synchronization in large populations of globally coupled nonlinear oscillators
Breaking the symmetry in bimodal frequency distributions of globally coupled oscillators